Low Radiation

From Women Healing Herstory
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  • LOW RADIATION follows for human health:
  • Helen Caldicott, Pediatrician Australia, later living in USA,has since 1977 internationally informed about low radiation near civilian and war nuclear contaminated areas, especially the follows for children health
  • https://cfmedicine.nlm.nih.gov/physicians/biography_50.html
  • Greenham Common Women, anti -nuclear peacemovement, UK, 1984- 20014, US military base Newbury, UK with the deployment of Pershing II nuclear weapons in Europe, book Barbara Harford, Sarah Hopkins Editors, Amazon
  • https://www.ippnw.eu/ and https://www.genderandradiation.org/ with a basic stidy about radiation among female and male bodies by https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/1985/physicians/facts/
  • Iris Frei, Brugg, Switzerland, ENSI: swiss security nuclear council, Vigil every Thursday since 2011, Fukushima
  • Aya Domenigg, swiss japanese Batchelor Work about Fukushima and www following nuclear women working on political demands in the Fukushima Prefectur, but also the international follows like the nuclear waters going directly into the sea since 2024
  • https://www.swissfilms.ch/de/movie/stille-ueber-fukushima/627FFED786524F78A3716B2FC0223629
  • Tereteko, Japanese mothers. Prefectur Fukushima, against nuclear power and Aileen Miyoko Smith from Green action fight for more transparency by governmental decisions
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf9U5g3VbhA
  • Mako Oshidori, japanese Journaliste describing the reality of Fukushima Prefectur, especially of women forcible relocated since 2011, working together with the IPPNW Doctors in Germany 2016 in Frankfurt
  • https://issuu.com/ippnw/docs/forum148_web
  • https://www.mensch-und-atom.org/index.php/en/all-people/focus/fukushima/179-oshidori-mako-2
  • https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2011/dec/22/japanese-mothers-rise-nuclear-power
  • Sabine Rock, swiss Fotograph of Tschernobyl 10 years after, 1997, Radio LORA, Zurich,
  • describing the surviving of old women staying in the area by eating fermentated vegetables, as the tradition of buddhist monks suggested after Hiroshima 1945 by using Miso
  • Cornelia Hesse Honegger, Fotograph on nuclear follows on insects, book Heteroptera, Paperish
  • https://www.amazon.de/Heteroptera-Sch%C3%B6ne-Andere-Bilder-mutierenden/dp/3882433604
  • https://www.srf.ch/kultur/kunst/kunst-eine-malerin-zeigt-was-radioaktivitaet-mit-insekten-macht