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From Women Healing Herstory
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women healing: herstory:

Researcher have found dentures: 80 000 years old, teeth filled with a antiseptic mushroom, onagracea= fireweed, which is one of worldwide used herb for healing of pain, inflammations- and Mallow.

Tam Pa Ling Cave, Laos, Anne-Marie Bacon, Kira Westaway, UNI Copenhagen, Denmark



Tanuja Tanaji Sathe, Mumbai, India https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5452698/

Esther Salmeron, Almeria, Spain https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7277765/

Also was found a human, which had a skull, deformed most probably by accident by an 8 years old Human. This Person became 40 years old: some bones were grown together. Which means: women have healed and cared for this human with strong restrictions among the eye capacitiy, the walking capacity for 30 years : is this just one exceptionell example: because researchers have found it? Common knowledge definitly is women and men found in palèolithic times with healing herbs in their graves.

Shanidar Cave, Kurdistan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanidar_Cave

Natalia Bushilova Beresina, Moskau


Pre-colunbia: 40 000 to 10 000 years before the known cultures of Aztec, Maya. And the entrance of spanish and portuguese Colonialists in the 15 century:: inventing by measles, flu and sexual virus one of the biggest Genocide ever by this diseases which the Indigenas populations immunsystems were not prepaired for..

The story of Goeldi Museo Belèm, Brasil, the wiki records of pre-columbian his-herstory show clearly, how depending all this knowledge is from political interests of mens history writing, trying to form people's identity on the side of white men but also on the side of local men.. How depending this knowledge is from our nowadays thinking being formed of our philosophies. Especially the Chipwa cultures, the Marajoara cultures, the cultures of potteries and their art of painting in the Amazon Delta show 1400 AD, that this populations lived for centuries in harmony with birds, plants and minerals. This women were creators of the "terra preta" , enriching the soil for growing maniok, mais and beens. As women of Belèm Museum explain: this population were not talking TO the animals- plants, animals: all living creations were talking TO humans on a eye level- and humans were listening!.....

Nowadays female modern Shamans

Margarethe Vestager, born in Danmark, EU responsible working for digital laws to control the international enterprises, Oct 2022 . At the same time working the first digital law among AI, artificial intelligence 2024, especially automatic computer generated AI like algorithmes of text, pictures, music and so on: some women say, that in 2027 knowledge will be 90 percent fake or algorithme-machine- generated. This means generated and controlled by average calculated considerations- this means all minorities, all minority learning will have huge disadvantages. And it means, as long as women are not digital educated and skilled by writing their own algorithmes, we will be the minority.