English speaking contents:
women healing: herstory:
Researcher have found dentures: 80 000 years old, teeth filled with a antiseptic mushroom, onagracea= fireweed, which is one of worldwide used herb for healing of pain, inflammations- and Mallow.
Tam Pa Ling Cave, Laos, Anne-Marie Bacon, Kira Westaway, UNI Copenhagen, Denmark
Tanuja Tanaji Sathe, Mumbai, India https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5452698/
Esther Salmeron, Almeria, Spain https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7277765/
Also was found a human, which had a skull, deformed most probably by accident by an 8 years old Human. This Person became 40 years old: some bones were grown together. Which means: women have healed and cared for this human with strong restrictions among the eye capacitiy, the walking capacity for 30 years : is this just one exceptionell example: because researchers have found it? Common knowledge definitly is women and men found in palèolithic times with healing herbs in their graves.
Shanidar Cave, Kurdistan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanidar_Cave
Natalia Bushilova Beresina, Moskau
Pre-colunbia: 40 000 to 10 000 years before the known cultures of Aztec, Maya. And the entrance of spanish and portuguese Colonialists in the 15 century:: inventing by measles, flu and sexual virus one of the biggest Genocide ever by this diseases which the Indigenas populations immunsystems were not prepaired for..
The story of Goeldi Museo Belèm, Brasil, the wiki records of pre-columbian his-herstory show clearly, how depending all this knowledge is from political interests of mens history writing, trying to form people's identity on the side of white men but also on the side of local men.. How depending this knowledge is from our nowadays thinking being formed of our philosophies. Especially the Chipwa cultures, the Marajoara cultures, the cultures of potteries and their art of painting in the Amazon Delta show 1400 AD, that this populations lived for centuries in harmony with birds, plants and minerals. This women were creators of the "terra preta" , enriching the soil for growing maniok, mais and beens. As women of Belèm Museum explain: this population were not talking TO the animals- plants, animals: all living creations were talking TO humans on a eye level- and humans were listening!.....
- Edithe Pereira, Christiana Barretto, Museo Goeldi, Belèm, Brasil
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Museu_Paraense_Em%C3%ADlio_Goeldi
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pre-Columbian_era#North_America
- Doralice Orlando, Anne Rapp, Secrets of deaths: hidden in the Amazon, ARTE France 2022
- https://www.pbs.org/wnet/secrets/hidden-amazon-preview-kqftyv/6342/
Nowadays female modern Shamans
Margarethe Vestager, born in Danmark, EU responsible working for digital laws to control the international enterprises, Oct 2022 . At the same time working the first digital law among AI, artificial intelligence 2024, especially automatic computer generated AI like algorithmes of text, pictures, music and so on: some women say, that in 2027 knowledge will be 90 percent fake or algorithme-machine- generated. This means generated and controlled by average calculated considerations- this means all minorities, all minority learning will have huge disadvantages. And it means, as long as women are not digital educated and skilled by writing their own algorithmes, we will be the minority.
- Chelsea Manning, whistleblow USA Army with information to Drone killing of civilians, women and kids, especially in the Near East
- Frances Haugen, whistleblow google with information of creating algorithmes by mens philosophy and financial interests towards a basic structure influencing women and girls by body shaming, body highest perfectionisme
- Enongo Lumumba, Brown UNI, NY and roots in Congo, Summus Rap, working with AI generated music and the discussion about AI 2024 together with international delegates about digital laws in Europe and worldwide, ARTE Germany
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJsa6wZ6ovY
- Dessie Betelham, Etiopia, iCog-anyone-can code
- Constanze Kurz, chaos computer club, Hackervereinigung ethical discussions of Digi-Tech
- Audrey Tang, Taiwan digital minister, creatrice of citicen- friendly apps
- Emeka Sankara on traditional african healing and UBUNTU, OPEN SOURCE
- non-proprietarian software, which is accessible for everybody
- especially women worldwide, who have understood the independent use of digital tech
- https://titles.cognella.com/ubuntu-psychotherapy-9798823354936
- https://www.politische-medienkompetenz.de/debatte/feministische-netzpolitik/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IYwaeTZ1c8 re:publica.org, Tanja Singer: Health and Digitalisation
- Cèline Carle Faye, sustainability in GreenIT.fr since 2004, https://www.institut.capgemini.fr/animator/celine-carle-faye/
- https://www.grandeecolenumerique.fr/actualites/femmes-dans-le-numerique-quel-bilan-en-ce-debut-2024
- Elisa Jadot, 5 femmes contre les big5, 2024 , France
- a fundamental summurize of women fighting for the next generation in social media's pressure by body shaping,
- pornography among children, pädophily
- https://www.diverto.tv/actualites/tele/emprise-numerique-5-femmes-contre-les-big-5-ce-soir-france-5-met-en-garde-face-16145
- with discussion about Europeen laws, society consciousness, what giving a Handy to children means
- https://www.francetelevisions.fr/et-vous/notre-tele/les-programmes-a-ne-pas-rater/emprise-numerique-5-femmes-contre-les-big-5-36426
- ---
- General female friendly anticolonial Infos:
- Nnenna Onuoha, film Baby pictures, Ghana- Nigeria 2023 about children of Biafra
- african crisis seen by the Europeen values...
- https://nnennaonuoha.com/portfolio/baby-picture/
- Margaret Jay Jesse, women physicians as -history- abortionists
- Naissam Jalai, musician healing of Gnaoia culture, Maroc: see Neareast
- Rina Nissim , Geneva, natural healing in gynecology , Mamamelis and
- Lustvoll weibliche Sexualität: alle Lebensalter, female Sexuality at all ages, Amazon
- Oksana Yakushko, women and Therapy, Washington State UNI
- Leah Kintheart, Taylor and Francis, women healers ...to the 21 century
- Esther Ofonmbuk Ekong, WHO statistics: 3 quarter of worldwide women depend on traditional remedies,
- open air, Nigeria and Ottawa, common law UNI
- using the local advising women and the local plants, minerals and other devices
- Elaine Wainwright, Auckland NZ, UNI Waipapa Taumata Rau, Book
- https://www.orellfuessli.ch/shop/home/artikeldetails/A1046340570
- https://www.herstorywriters.org/healing-stories-for-our-time
- Asmaa Ali, Misrigyä, women for Art, African Egypt https://misj.journals.ekb.eg/article_239377.html 2022
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/360885246_The_White_Lady_painting_in_Namibia_and_its_counterpart_in_Algeria_4000_500_BC_A_comparative_study_in_African_rock_art
- Peru 1926, Txixeya
- Txixeya, healing practise Yaminawa Village, Raya, Mapuja River Peru, Laura Perèz
- https://chacruna.net/yaminawa-women-and-ayahuasca-shamanism-gender-and-history-in-the-peruvian-amazon/
- Liliviwa Sekira, Nasaibitu nowadays still knowing recepies of Fidjii Islands
- https://www.fijitimes.com.fj/the-medicine-woman/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyn_Wadley Lyn Wadley. 1982 Witwatersrand
- Chioma Obochukwu, Stellenbosch, Witwatersrand ZA
- Ochre use of women fpr deodorants and many more, Myanmar, Germany, Peru...
- Lozen, Chiricahua Warm Spring Apache, skilled warrior, prophet and medecine women, 1886
- https://mescaleroapachetribe.com/our-culture/
- Ariella Azoulay, Book 2008, Civil Conventions: critical approach of colonial, eurocentric thinking
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariella_Azoulay
- Niki de St Phall, Garden of Tarot, Giardino of Tarrochi, Toskana Italia
- Installations of violence within families
- https://www.streifzugmedia.com/bericht/niki-de-saint-phalle/ Basel und Zürich
- https://nikidesaintphalle.org/niki-de-saint-phalle/public-works/
- Luisa Muraro, Mailand 1980
- https://ndpr.nd.edu/reviews/the-future-of-the-world-is-open-encounters-with-lea-melandri-luisa-muraro-adriana-cavarero-and-rossana-rossanda/
- Patricia Lundi, about the power of women with death Rituals and songs
- https://www.historytoday.com/history-matters/sacred-songs-dead
- Simone de Beauvoir, 1968, Paris , Europèen movement des femmes
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simone_de_Beauvoir
- https://www.nzz.ch/feuilleton/simone-de-beauvoir-warum-eine-frau-fuer-sie-immer-eine-frau-blieb-ld.1711567
- ---
- Greenham Common Women 1984, see page low radiation
- 10 000 women international camp against the US military base in UK and Italy
- with nuclear weapons like Pershing II rockets: book,, Videos and other archiv documents
- Septembre 1984 were 10 000 women together in ten camps for ten days, occupation of Newbury, Berkshire US Base:
- in reality a practical and theoretical university of women law international, by healing knowledge and of course by war
- strategies and economy, by art, childrens education/ nutrition and further daily basic knowledge
- http://www.greenhamwpc.org.uk/
- https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/the-women-who-took-on-the-british-governments-nuclear-programme
- Annika Wilerns, Danish peace movement herstory
- https://ehne.fr/en/encyclopedia/themes/gender-and-europe/feminisms-and-feminist-movements/international-women%E2%80%99s-peace-movements
- Ellie Kinney, anti- nuclear movement, CND UK, Aldermaston march, , 1953
- ---
- Antibiotics Discussion:
- Nowadays cooked recepies from the middleage for the benefit of Antibiotica research! see
- Freya Harrison, UK Staphylokokken 2023
- www.nottingham.ac.uk/news/pressreleases/2015/march/ancientbiotics---a-medieval-remedy-for-modern-day-superbugs.aspx
- ---
- Aborigenes:
- Kapululangu Women aboriginal law and culture centre
- https://healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au/key-resources/organisations/1263/?title
- http://www.ajic.mb.ca/volumel/chapter13.html
- NPY women council 1980, https://www.npywc.org.au/what-we-do/ngangkari-traditional-healers/
- Vallee Trudeau, SOAHAC, Ontario, https://www.soahac.on.ca/
- Gail Guthrie Valasakis, 2007, Handbook Healing Traditions of Aborigines in Canada
- https://www.ubcpress.ca/healing-traditions
- Leann Wilson,UNI Queensland, https://healingfoundation.org.au/about-us/our-board/
- Pat Dudgeon, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02703149.2017.1324191
- Kim Andesron, Womens reflections on health, water, UNI Dalhousie CND, pdf
- ---
- Australian traditions
- https://healingfoundation.org.au/community-healing/womens-healing/ Australia 1997
- Kane Frowöey, 2016 pregnancy and osteopathy
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26891652/
- Nisreen Aouira, PhD pharmacy, Melbourne UNI, girl centre for health, AWaGHr
- n.aouira@uq.edu.au
- Reema Naresh, founder of AWaGHr is origin from Fidjii, now women health in Queensland
- https://indigenous-futures.org/component/spsimpleportfolio/item/reema-naresh?Itemid=0
- Anette Dobson, FAHMS, 2012 longitude study of womens health, 1998 see
- https://web.archive.org/web/20100501003119/http://sph.uq.edu.au/core-research
- ---
- East Asian:
- Paula Arai, Hawaii, research on japanese buddhist laywomen practising Sötö Zen and healing
- https://muse.jhu.edu/article/522389
- Susanne Cochrane, USA
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3962314/
- Japanese development Kampo, Takahisa Osaka Ushiroyama
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24148283/
- https://jglobal.jst.go.jp/en/detail?JGLOBAL_ID=20110225896721859
- Egypt:
- Asmaa Ali, Misrigyä, women for Art, African Egypt https://misj.journals.ekb.eg/article_239377.html 2022
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication
- Lara Weiss, the walking dead, individual death rituals at Saqqara, Egypt, 2016
- Salima IIkram, communication of Deir al Medineh, the villiage of Hyroglyphen workers, tomb and grave shapers
- Strike 8.nov. 1159 v.Chr. for food of workers, women and children working for Pharaonen graves
- 9 000 years of developing death rituals in Nubia and Egypt: believing in mummies, who could live an eternal kind of life:
- espiacially a death ritual with opening the mouth, ears and nose of the deceased person so, that she could argue with the gods towards a post mortem judgement to enter the eternal heavenly èquilibrium
- www.britannica.com/science/death/Ancient-Egypt
- Burma;
- Kayan Lawhi People formed neck by coils as also seen in Myanmar, Kongo the Teke tribe with copper coils
- https://web.prm.ox.ac.uk/bodyarts/index.php/permanent-body-arts/reshaping-and-piercing/151-neck-coils.html
- https://mythologicalafricans.medium.com/neck-rings-in-african-ornamental-culture-76eea1bb9911
- Celtic:
- celtic moaning women songs for death RitualsC
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keening
- ---
- Eastern Europe:
- Elizabeta Koneska, Macedonia bath culture
- s://eefc.org/post-folklorista/shared-shrines-in-macedonia/
- Christina Novakov Ritchey, Rural Serbia, Macedonia, Uni Los Angeles, European Jourrnal mailto:cnovakov@ucla.edu
- practised in Zurich, Berlin, Praha and further 2005
- Aida Sehovic, bosnian Artist, inventing of coffee ceremony for all the war victims Sebrenica 199
- ---
- ...
- Female Druids and celtic women;
- herbes, trees, mediatrice of disputes, Karen Fleming modelling a celtic women:
- https://www.scinexx.de/news/geowissen/keltische-druidin-bekommt-ein-gesicht/
- Female Skythes: Artimpasa: Snake legged Goddess: knowledge of Vegetation, Pre-Origin of Tree of Life, Persia,
- we do nit know the real meaning, as there are systems of thinking, systems of believes, we can not explain by linear explanations
- Skythe Kurgan graves, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, princesses with weapon, cosmetics, herbs and new born baby and gold jewelry, loads of interpretations, where women may write a new herstory....
- Marija Gimbutas, Rasa Navikaitè, CEU UNI, feminist studies pdf
- ---
- Fidjii Islands
- Liliviwa Sekira, Nasaibitu nowadays still knowing recepies
- https://www.fijitimes.com.fj/the-medicine-woman/
- Suliana Sawatibau, educated in Auckland 1963
- https://risebeyondthereef.org/products/healing-plants-of-fiji?srsltid=AfmBOorFRwtutohFeKXA9XKRaUbRsG-Qu7pLJP6PJ7Tizef3eNRfmFUM¤cy=CHF
- ---
- Germany:
- Miranda Aldhous Green und Emilia Pasztor, Lunisolarcalender, Scheibe von Nebra, East Germany
- Interpretations of a clearly astronomical knowledge, which shows a common knowledge based of good eyes, good powers and disciplin by observing the ecological surrounding, using metals. Thinking deep grounded by every day realities and connecting the sky, the earth and situation of humans in Europe 2100- 1700 v.Chr
- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Himmelsscheibe_von_Nebra
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebra_sky_disc
- Greece:
- Patricia Lundi, about the power of women with death Rituals and songs, 2018
- https://www.historytoday.com/history-matters/sacred-songs-dead
- ---
- India:
- Giti Thadani, Sakhiani, Queering gender, Freiburg Frauenstudien Jos Fritz Verlag 2005
- https://radiocanicule.ch/emissions-radios/
- https://www.salzburgglobal.org/multi-year-series/lgbt/pageId/9243
- Inuit, Alaska
- practised in Newbury east London, Ontario, CND andWellington NZ, Soahac centres
- https://www.soahac.on.ca/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKJO1YyQMmY
- traditional Alaska
- Japan:
- Osaka, Kumano Kodo pilgrimage, healing martial arts: tokakure-riu, knowledge of hiding, of recognizing humans state of mind
- originally practised by village people before the 12. century, definitly practised by whole families 16.century
- Höjö Masako, leading woman practising as Nun and as warrior, 1225
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C5%8Dj%C5%8D_Masako https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumano_Kod%C5%8D
- Milla Micha Moto- Sanchez, 2018
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312095518_Jizo_healing_rituals_and_women_in_Japan
- Ama, northern Japan, female perl divers, 1922 Prya Shukla
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/priyashukla/2019/03/08/meet-the-female-pearl-divers-of-japan-the-ama/
- https://www.morethantokyo.com/ama-freedivers/
- Japanese development Kampo, Takahisa Osaka Ushiroyama
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24148283/
- https://jglobal.jst.go.jp/en/detail?JGLOBAL_ID=20110225896721859
- ---
- Latin America:
- OMIECH: midwives of Mexican and further indigenous healing traditions middle America
- https://www.culturalsurvival.org/publications/cultural-survival-quarterly/omiech-traditional-maya-midwives-protecting-womens-health
- Julie Moret, nowedays sitation of midwifery in Mexico
- https://medium.com/@fleurmorelj/traditional-midwifery-in-mexico-43218a1c2b09
- Serena Orellana, women planting Mangrov Trees for safing the Coast People of Hurricans,, Mexico
- Mangroves: having the virtuality to survive with salt water, sweet water, beeing a small chemical start up within
- https://planeterra.org/category/our-projects/
- Guinea Pig healing of Anden Culture, Peru, Argentina:
- https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/oa.2808
- Christina Zendt: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21568039/
- Kirstin Lea Squint, Louisiana UNI, Native Spirituality as Resistance, Moctezuma's Revenge, Mexico, 2008
- Laos:
- Karma Lekshe Tsomo, Nun Cloisters, Laos, South Korea, San Diego 2010 tsomo@sandiego.edu
- https://sravastiabbey.org/buddhist-nuns-in-korea/
- Lao Buddhist women quietly negotiating religious authority
- one of cloister rules: every nun has every day the choice, what she works!
- ---
- Maori traditions
- Rawinia Higgins, Arini Loader, traditional Maori mourning songs
- https://teara.govt.nz/en/traditional-maori-songs-waiata-tawhito
- https://teara.govt.nz/en/rongoa-medicinal-use-of-plants/page-1
- Rebecca Harris, https://bpac.org.nz/BPJ/2008/May/rongoa.aspx
- https://www.tepapa.govt.nz/discover-collections/read-watch-play/maori/maori-medicine
- Tina Ngaroimata Fraser, Tuhoe tribe, https://voices.no/index.php/voices/article/view/1774/1534
- Glenis Mark, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/42588804_Maori_healers%27_views_on_wellbeing_The_importance_of_mind_body_spirit_family_and_land
- Myanmar:
- Celine Coderey, National Program of governement to promote ancient healing methods, 1984
- https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/modern-asian-studies/article/abs/myanmar-traditional-medicine-the-making-of-a-national-heritage/C7283D4B35D7C2B83397E931B4C4B06E
- ---
- North India
- Vibha Joshi, Nangama culture north India, 2011 healing with Amulets and Antibiotics
- https://www.mpg.de/4435613/health-system-india
- Anubha Sood, 2013 , Washington UNI St. Louis, Pain healing in a Hindu Temple
- https://openscholarship.wustl.edu/etd/1157/
- Anamika Singh, agriculture UNI Pasighat, Indian Journal of traditional knowledge, April 2009
- Ethnomedicine, womens wisdom and indigenous human healthcare practise
- indiaenvironmentportal.org,in files
- India and LGBTQ community
- https://www.europinion.uk/post/queer-in-india-history-tradition-acceptance-and-what-went-wrong
- Amiya Panda, Traditional healing herbal in West Bengal
- https://www.academia.edu/78132410/Traditional_Herbal_Medicine_Practiced_in_Plateau_Fringe_and_Rarh_Districts_of_West_Bengal_India
- ---
- Northern Europe:
- Soame Traditional healing: anne.ouma@umu.se
- Norwegen, Schweden
- Skott, 1989 Nurse at Jokkmokk Health centre Sweden
- Leila Spik Saltoluokta, Helene Lindmark, Härnösand, Sweden
- https://www.museumofcambridge.org.uk/wise-women-traditional-cures-and-remedies/ beau.brannick@museumofcambridge.org.uk annie.davis@museumofcambridge.org.uk
- ---
- Native american traditions
- Lozen, Chiricahua Warm Spring Apache, skilled warrior, prophet and medecine women, 1886
- https://mescaleroapachetribe.com/our-culture/
- Marika Alvarado, Lipan Apache plants and medecine, Austin Texas UNI
- https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/nais/events/workshop-on-indigenous-health-plants-and-the-environment-with-marika-alvarado-lipan-mescalero-apache
- Cryistal Lee, Navajo, AFT community since 1916, Professionels of public health care
- https://www.aft.org/hc/spring2024/lee
- ---
- Northern America
- Mackenzie Dow, Violence and murder on indigenous women, women healing institute
- https://medium.com/data-feminism-lab-mit/waking-women-healing-institute-and-mit-map-resources-for-missing-and-murdered-indigenous-women-and-c8e69be660f8
- see also kwelch@wakingwomenhealingint.org
- Native american indigenous tribes;
- Mary Koithan, describing Desbah, Arizona
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2913884/
- american cancer microsites cancer.org 2015
- Chapter2: American Indian and Alaska Native healing traditions
- ---
- Namibia:
- Mary Boyle, Shirley Ann Pager, 1004: the white Lady of Brandberg
- https://www.bradshawfoundation.com/africa/namibia/white_lady/index.php
- Alma Nonkela, National Heritage council Namibia
- https://www.academia.edu/25012623/Rock_art_research_in_Namibia_A_synopsis
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/360885246_The_White_Lady_painting_in_Namibia_and_its_counterpart_in_Algeria_4000_500_BC_A_comparative_study_in_African_rock_art
- Ruth Dammann, Basel 1964, Fotos and list of photgrafed Humans
- https://namibia1953.com/names/
- Nubian traditions;
- Michele R Buzon, Purdue UNI, Indiana
- https://www.sapiens.org/biology/reinterpreting-life-and-death-in-ancient-nubia/
- Giulia d'Ercole, Julia Budka, Cambridge 2017
- https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/antiquity/article/abs/successful-recipe-for-a-longlasting-tradition-nubian-ceramic-assemblages-from-sai-island-northern-sudan-from-prehistory-to-the-new-kingdom/8A8AB17256CBDF9B36FBDD92C8C92116
- Fadwa al Guindi, Quatar, Nubian angels in the Nile,
- https://academic.oup.com/cairo-scholarship-online/book/23186/chapter-abstract/184065828?redirectedFrom=fulltext&login=false
- Rosalie Davids, Manchester UNI, Diseases in ancient Egypt, 2003
- https://research.manchester.ac.uk/en/persons/rosalie.david
- ---
- Peru:
- Txixeya, healing practise Yaminawa Village, Raya, Mapuja River Peru, Laura Perèz
- https://chacruna.net/yaminawa-women-and-ayahuasca-shamanism-gender-and-history-in-the-peruvian-amazon/
- Maritza Villavicencio, Peru Pre-Columbian Women research of 10 years
- https://www.france24.com/en/20180404-women-ran-things-ancient-peru-new-study-argues
- https://www.snexplores.org/article/this-prehistoric-woman-from-peru-hunted-big-game Peru 9 000 years
- Philippin traditions:
- Babaylan Woman, Philippin, isiswoman.org
- Edheliza Ragosta
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/299447262_Unveiling_Cebuano_Traditional_Healing_Practices
- Juanita Temapon, Siquijor
- https://www.eco-business.com/news/philippines-traditional-healers-fight-to-keep-their-forest-pharmacy-intact/
- https://news.mongabay.com/2024/02/traditional-healers-in-philippines-keep-their-forest-pharmacy-standing/
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/027795369290307C
- this practice has been successfully demonstrated in EU in the 1990 by men and there is no doubt, that women were practising us such bloodless "operations"-- of course there are questions left over...
- ---
- Polynesia traditions:
- Phila Raharivelomanana, UNI Punaauia, french Polynesia
- https://ethnobiomed.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13002-023-00617-0
- https://journals.openedition.org/jso/13134?lang=en
- Healing of traditional dance Polynesia,
- Teresia Teaiwa,Fiji, Aotearoa
- https://www.critical-stages.org/23/i-dance-for-the-dead-the-blue-and-black-in-the-pacific-a-eulogy-for-teresia-teaiwa/
- https://bodycodesystem.com/en/ten-cultures-that-use-dance-as-an-intermediary-with-god/
- Masha Motshakeri, Brasilian research
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0924224415001478
- Paulette Touboul, Aubagne, Taihiti- UNI Manoa, Haiti
- https://guides.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/paccrops/noni
- South Africa:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyn_Wadley Lyn Wadley. 1982 Witwatersrand
- Janette Deacon https://www.jstor.org/stable/40650016
- Lynette Wafford, Forest Peopple, Pygmae: Elima Girl Rituals
- https://www.enotes.com/topics/lit/questions/colin-turnbulls-forest-people-what-molimo-799605
- Ochre used as deodorant, Witwatersrand, Stellenbosch , ZA
- Chioma Obochukwu Ohajunwa, health UNI Stellenbosch 2018
- https://www.wits.ac.za/news/latest-news/general-news/2024/2024-06/pathfinder-to-illuminate-the-path-for-more-women.html
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- Southern Europe:
- Evy J Haland, Cambridge, Healing in modern and ancient Greece https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-5275-9317-6
- Susan Thompspn, Maria Liston, Greece: Agora Bone Well 2018
- https://www.ajaonline.org/book-review/3969
- Skythe ancient healing:
- Afyonkarahisar, town of Opium, is an old water healing centre on a volcanic rock. the Hittites at ca 2000 BC were living with herds as Nomads in contact with the Nomads of Horses as the Skythes
- https://sensiseeds.com/de/blog/die-cannabisprinzessin-aus-sibirien/Umaj, Sibirien, Midwife, Reproduction, Gynäkology
- Adrienne Mayor, graveyards with healing herbs, seeds, bronze spear tips, make- up cream and a new born baby in the left arm by Skythic young princess with golden head jewelry as by other 15 vear old women
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- Tanzania health policy licensing traditional healing , governement
- ua Sumbawangu healing centre
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- Hidden behind this address is the history of Artemisia annua and HIV, the history of
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- Rehema Nanyalo, Katharina Weingartner, Wien, Artemisia und Malaria
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- Jennifer Nansubuga, the first woman, Book, Jhalak Award 2021, Uganda
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- Tibetan knowledge:
- Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo invits persons from India, Nepal, China, , Indonesia and further around 635 J into a cloister pre-buddhisme for 3 years of practical interchange of healing wisdom www
- Pema Chödrön, smile at your fear, https://www.shambhala.com/smile-at-fear-15086.html
- Sara Sallon, Tibetan medicine, book, Orell Füssli
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- Taiwan traditions
- https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/10/1/taiwans-indigenous-benefit-as-island-seeks-to-set-itself-apart
- story of 33 year old Shaman Kereker Recevungan from Pulingaw People, Taiwan
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- Western Africa:
- Hope Chigudu, AWDF, Uganda program@wipc.org: womens international peace centre, Healing trough rituals https://www.google.ch/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://wipc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Healing-Through-Rituals-A-Guide-for-Sustaining-Wellbeing-and-Activism_.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwixgI6f7IqJAxXA_rsIHdhULooQFnoECC4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1KO1p4L3OPmalgahcdSNsb
- Staiano Kathryn, 1975, Bennington College, USA Study of healing in Mali https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7294557/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yennenga 1957 freed of colonial Great Britain, Dagbon kingdom: first UNI 19.Jh of healing and science, Mojilii https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moliyili https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gundonaa_Samata_Abudu, 1926 Yakubu Nopora, birth attendants, Kwame Nkruhma UNI, Kumas- Ghana 2022
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- Islam regulated Dagomba- Dagbong culture, Ghana: Gbanigba method ua, more case studies 2018, Illinois USA
- Yakubu Nopora, birth attendants, Kwame Nkruhma UNI, Kumas- Ghana 2022
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- Gender roles of traditional healing in Busoga, UNI Leiden , NL, ua Kyambogo and Makerere UNI, Uganda
- mailto:mcgyamfi@yahoo.com https://www.scirp.org/reference/referencespapers?referenceid=3162772
- Teke, Lake Nkunda, Kongo
- https://mythologicalafricans.medium.com/neck-rings-in-african-ornamental-culture-76eea1bb9911
- Yoruba, Westafrica:
- Oyeronke Oyewumi, Ibadan, Berkley, 1997 Invention of Women: Making an African Sense of Western Gender Discourses
- Natalie Washington-Weik , Austin Texas: 1922-1955
- Elisabeth Tracy, Florida UNI 2005, updated with some Ideas of Luce Irigaray, France
- Oluwatosin Adeoti Akintah, Olabisi Onabanjo UNI, Nigeria, Ago-Iwoye
- Powerful and powerless: women in culture of Ijebu Society, South West Nigeria
- Divine women in Santeria- healing with a gendered self
- https://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/items/643a52b2-ecec-4336-9f00-60256d44508e
- Oyeronke Okademo's feminist circle, Lydia Bosede Okanke, researchgate
- Immaculata Olu Omojola, Dr acjol.org, women in Yoruba culture
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- Zulu Sangoma traditions:
- https://www.britannica.com/science/sangoma
- Prof. Gubela Mji, Stellenbosch UNI, SA
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK559880/
- Gerda Hooghordel, Uni Leiden
- https://www.ascleiden.nl/content/phd-research/gerda-hooghordel-transformations-healing-processes-female-zulu-sangomas
- Tola Pearce, UNI Missouri, Nigeria
- https://www.ascleiden.nl/content/phd-research/gerda-hooghordel-transformations-healing-processes-female-zulu-sangomas
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- Near East:
- Naissim Jalal, musician, healing by music of Gnaoua culture, Maroc
- https://www.srf.ch/kultur/musik/heilung-durch-musik-im-spitalbett-erlebte-naissam-jalal-die-heilsame-kraft-der-musik
- Barbara Boeck, 2011,Madrid, investigations on ancient Mesopotamia
- https://researchoutreach.org/articles/investigating-healing-arts-ancient-mesopotamia/
- Marcia Inhorn, Healing and Medecin: popular healing practise in middle eastern cultures, C 3834-3839
- Susan Ackermann, women in the near east, , Aerchology pf Penn State UNI Press 2003
- Ariela Popper Giveon
- https://www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs/article/view/1205/2726
- Healing of palestinian women, Bedouin women Negev https://www.qualitative-research.net/index.php/fqs/article/view/1205/2726
- Dectra Cohen
- https://www.jewishbookcouncil.org/pb-daily/ashkenazi-folk-medicine-the-hidden-herbal
- https://mythlok. Hittite Mother Kamrusepa, ua mother of healing herbes, midwife, spirit of smoke, 10th BC, look also idea of jewish, christian bible written in aramaic language, Ruach, spirit flowing over the waters, book Anna Lonaro
- Hittite Mother Godess, ca 2000 BC, the People living in contact with Mesopotamia, Aleppo, meditteranean people, had the liver oracle: assigned in knowledge of legs, fingers, vulva, testicels and so on , a professionell medical knowledge of the body intestines
- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leberschau