English speaking contents:
From Women Healing Herstory
Nowadays female modern Shamans:
- Chelsea Manning, whistleblow USA Army with information to Drone killing of civilians, women and kids, especially in the Near East
- Frances Haugen, whistleblow google with information of creating algorithmes by mens philosophy and financial interests towards a basic structure influencing women and girls by body shaming, body highest perfectionisme
- Dessie Betelham, Etiopia, iCog-anyone-can code
- Constanze Kurz, chaos computer club, Hackervereinigung ethical discussions of Digi-Tech
- Audrey Tang, Taiwan digital minister, creatrice of citicen friendly apps
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- English contents:
- Soame Traditional healing: anne.ouma@umu.se
- Norwegen, Schweden
- Skott, 1989 Nurse at Jokkmokk Health centre Sweden
- Leila Spik Saltoluokta, Helene Lindmark, Härnösand, Sweden
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- Babaylan Woman, Philippin, isiswoman.org
- Edheliza Ragosta
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/299447262_Unveiling_Cebuano_Traditional_Healing_Practices
- Juanita Temapon, Siquijor
- https://www.eco-business.com/news/philippines-traditional-healers-fight-to-keep-their-forest-pharmacy-intact/
- https://news.mongabay.com/2024/02/traditional-healers-in-philippines-keep-their-forest-pharmacy-standing/
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/027795369290307C this practice has been successfully demonstrated in EU in the 1990 by men and there is no doubt, that women were practising us such bloodless "operations"-- of course there are questions left over...
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- Tanzania health policy licensing traditional healing , governement
- ua Sumbawangu healing centre
- www.abtei-uznach.ch/de/pages/mission/missionsprojekte/page_80.php
- Hidden behind this address is the history of Artemisia annua and HIV, the history of
- patenting by pharmaceutical companies and its use by local village healers
- Jennifer Nansubuga, the first woman, Roman, Jhalak Award 2021
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- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKJO1YyQMmY
- traditional Alaska
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- https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/10/1/taiwans-indigenous-benefit-as-island-seeks-to-set-itself-apart
- story of 33 year old Shaman Kereker Recevungan from Pulingaw People, Taiwan
- ---
- Polynesia traditions:
- Phila Raharivelomanana, UNI Punaauia, french Polynesia
- https://ethnobiomed.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13002-023-00617-0
- https://journals.openedition.org/jso/13134?lang=en
- Healing of traditional dance Polynesia,
- Teresia Teaiwa,Fiji, Aotearoa
- https://www.critical-stages.org/23/i-dance-for-the-dead-the-blue-and-black-in-the-pacific-a-eulogy-for-teresia-teaiwa/
- https://bodycodesystem.com/en/ten-cultures-that-use-dance-as-an-intermediary-with-god/
- https://bodycodesystem.com/en/ten-cultures-that-use-dance-as-an-intermediary-with-god/
- Maori traditions
- https://teara.govt.nz/en/rongoa-medicinal-use-of-plants/page-1
- Rebecca Harris, https://bpac.org.nz/BPJ/2008/May/rongoa.aspx
- https://www.tepapa.govt.nz/discover-collections/read-watch-play/maori/maori-medicine
- Tina Ngaroimata Fraser, Tuhoe tribe, https://voices.no/index.php/voices/article/view/1774/1534
- Glenis Mark, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/42588804_Maori_healers%27_views_on_wellbeing_The_importance_of_mind_body_spirit_family_and_land
- ---
- Nowadays cooked recepies from the middleage for the benefit of Antibiotica research! see
- Freya Harrison, UK Staphylokokken 2023
- www.nottingham.ac.uk/news/pressreleases/2015/march/ancientbiotics---a-medieval-remedy-for-modern-day-superbugs.aspx
- ---
- Afyonkarahisar, town of Opium, is an old water healing centre on a volcanic rock. the Hittites at ca 2000 BC were living with herds as Nomads in contact with the Nomads of Horses as the Skythes
- https://sensiseeds.com/de/blog/die-cannabisprinzessin-aus-sibirien/Umaj, Sibirien, Midwife, Reproduction, Gynäkology
- Adrienne Mayor, graveyards with healing herbs, seeds, bronze spear tips, make- up cream and a new born baby in the left arm by Skythic young princess with golden head jewelry as by other 15 vear old women
- https://www.academia.edu/10363523/Zur_Identifizierung_von_bewaffneten_Frauen_in_den_G%C3%A4bern_des_2_bis_1_Jahrtausends_v_Chr_in_Aserbaidschan_auf_Basis_der_arch%C3%A4ologischen_Funde
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- Julie Moret, nowedays sitation of midwifery in Mexico
- https://medium.com/@fleurmorelj/traditional-midwifery-in-mexico-43218a1c2b09
- Guinea Pig healing of Anden Culture, Peru, Argentina:
- https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/oa.2808
- Christina Zendt: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21568039/
- Kirstin Lea Squint, Louisiana UNI, Native Spirituality as Resistance, Moctezuma's Revenge, Mexico, 2008
- ---
- Druidin; herbes, trees, mediatrice of disputes, https://www.scinexx.de/news/geowissen/keltische-druidin-bekommt-ein-gesicht/
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- https://mythlok. Hittite Mother Kamrusepa, ua mother of healing herbes, midwife, spirit of smoke, 10th BC, look also idea of jewish, christian bible written in aramaic language, Ruach, spirit flowing over the waters, book Anna Lonaro
- Hittite Mother Godess, ca 2000 BC, the People living in contact with Mesopotamia, Aleppo, meditteranean people, had the liver oracle: assigned in knowledge of legs, fingers, vulva, testicels and so on , a professionell medical knowledge of the body intestines
- https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leberschau